
Born: December 11, 2011
Rescued From: Arkansas
Given Sanctuary: December 10, 2016
Returned to Spirit:  July 31, 2024

Lisa Murtagh

Wayaho arrived at W.O.L.F. on December 11, 2016 after a cross-country trip from Hot Springs, Arkansas. His journey to W.O.L.F. was not an easy one. Wayaho lived with his two sisters in a private home in a rural area of Arkansas. When the owner passed away, the three siblings escaped from their enclosure.  They began roaming the neighborhood and scavenging for food in garbage cans. People in the community became frightened of the trio because they looked like wolves. One of the sisters was hit by a car and killed. The other sister was shot, a sight that Wayaho most likely witnessed.

In order to catch the remaining wolf dog, Arkansas Game and Fish was called in to help.  An Arkansas Game and Fish Wildlife Biologist developed a plan to capture the elusive wolf dog and bring him to safety. He planned to bait a culvert bear trap and have Wayaho enter the trap in search of food. He waited all day, but Wayaho did not approach the trap. Finally, the biologist decided to use his dart rifle and sedate Wayaho. He was successful in darting the animal, but Wayaho ran back into the forest. When Wayaho was fully sedated, the biologist placed him in the culvert trap and transported him to a foster home.

A local veterinarian was willing to take Wayaho, nurse him back to health, and find an appropriate placement for him.  The wolf dog was extremely thin and very frightened.   The veterinarian treated him for heartworm and performed neutering surgery.  With proper nutrition, he was able to return to a normal weight.  After several months in her care, the veterinarian knew it was time to search for permanent placement.

She contacted W.O.L.F., and there was space available to take him. W.O.L.F. made the arrangements to transport him from Kansas.  Once at the Sanctuary, Wayaho adjusted well.  He warmed up to his caretakers and frequently sought their attention.

In early January 2017, Wayaho was paired with Nysa, a young wolf dog that loved to play.  When the two were introduced, they immediately played. They formed a strong bond, and they often played and ran up and down the mountain. Both very curious and loved to watch the staff and volunteers perform their daily chores.

In September 2023, Wayaho and Nysa were moved to their new forever home in Red Feather Lakes.  Their habitat is one of the largest at W.O.L.F. and features massive rock outcroppings.  It has a “dog run” that allowed them to interact with their neighbors on two sides.  Wayaho and Nysa immediately began exploring their new home.  They were masters at finding special spots to nap and observed the activities of the Sanctuary. 

Wayaho and Nysa were moved to a different habitat at Red Feather Lakes.  The decision was made to place them in a habitat with more trees and a flatter landscape.  The duo enjoyed the shade and cover of the juniper trees.  Wayaho performed his trademark chuffing and mock charging at his male caretakers.  He preferred the company of his female caretakers.

In the afternoon of July 31, 2024, Wayaho passed away under one of his favorite juniper trees in his habitat.  He will be remembered by staff and volunteers as a gentle giant who liked to chuff at his caretakers, perform his ‘fake charges’, steal tools, and his unique howl.  His presence will be missed, and he will be in our hearts and memories forever.