Our Mission


Improve the Quality of Life for Wolves and Wolf Dogs Through:

Rescue: Save captive-born wolves and wolf dogs in need and find them appropriate placement at a sanctuary or other qualified site;


Sanctuary: Provide a lifelong home at W.O.L.F. in a natural habitat that considers each individual’s physical, medical and emotional needs;


Education: Provide the public with education about the plight of wolves and wolf dogs (both captive-born and wild) to help foster a greater understanding of them and their value. 



W.O.L.F.’s founding principal is that wolves are an integral part of nature and deserve to be respected and protected as a wild species. Therefore, W.O.L.F. is not in favor of breeding wolves with dogs, keeping these animals as pets, or breeding them for profit or entertainment. However, W.O.L.F. recognizes that keeping captive born wolves and wolf dogs as pets is a rampant part our society and is unlikely to stop anytime soon.

It is W.O.L.F.’s position that, once born, these animals deserve to live decent lives. As release back into the wild is an inappropriate solution on both an ecological and individual level, W.O.L.F. recognizes that these individuals must remain in captivity to live successful lives. In addition, there are not enough sanctuary placements for every captive born wolf or wolf dog. W.O.L.F. makes every effort to place animals in need in rescues and sanctuaries across the country. However, in some cases, private ownership may be the only appropriate option for animals who are facing euthanasia through no fault of their own.

W.O.L.F. understands that helping to save the lives of these animals may also include educating inexperienced owners who, either intentionally or accidentally, have captive born wolves or wolf dogs as pets. Therefore, W.O.L.F. tries to provide owners who seek help with advice on the appropriate care for a captive born wolf dog to save and improve the quality of that animal’s life.

W.O.L.F. believes that making a difference in the lives of captive born wolves and wolf dogs will be achieved primarily through education. Making the ownership of wolves and other exotics illegal will not change the desire to own exotics. Instead legislation, without extensive education, will drive the exotic pet trade underground, ultimately increasing the likelihood that these captive born wolves and wolf dogs will suffer from even more neglect and abuse. In addition, laws prohibiting the ownership of exotic animals require law enforcement resources and manpower that are not readily available. This will likely lead to the immediate euthanasia of any animals confiscated rather than finding them appropriate placements. As a result, W.O.L.F. works to educate the public about the difficulties and expenses of keeping captive born wolves and wolf dogs in private settings. The goal is to discourage private ownership through education and reduce the demand for exotic pets overall.

While discouraging private ownership, W.O.L.F. also strongly believes that wolves are an important wild species, and co-existence between wolves and humans is not only possible but beneficial. A large part of W.O.L.F.’s educational mission is to dispel the myths and legends surrounding wolves in the wild by providing fact-based information about their behaviors and positive impacts on the environment.