Born: March 20, 2021
Rescued From: Oregon
Given Sanctuary: September 15, 2021

Stephanie Marshall

W.O.L.F. first heard about Topaz when a shelter in Oregon called to ask for help. His name was originally “Yoti” because shelter staff thought he looked like a coyote. They had a stray animal they believed was a young wolf dog. His “stray hold” was nearing expiration, and they did not have any place for him to go. The shelter did not feel he was a candidate for adoption to a member of the public. Without another viable option, most likely he would be euthanized.
Over the next week, Topaz’s story was revealed. In March 2021, the mid-content wolf dog was born at an east coast breeder. Topaz was sold to a couple on the West Coast. When they both were diagnosed with medical conditions, they were forced to give up the pup. They gave him to another individual that they thought would take good care of him. The new owner only had Topaz for three weeks when he escaped and disappeared into the forest. Several days later, after traveling nearly twenty miles, the six-month old was picked up by Animal Control and taken to the shelter. The shelter staff identified one of the first owners and reached out to them. They agreed to take Topaz back. When the owners arrived at the shelter, they instead surrendered all rights to the pup. Unfortunately, no alternative options were identified, and Topaz was in desperate need of a placement. The shelter could not hold onto him for much longer.
After consultation with W.O.L.F., the shelter staff made adjustments to his care. They were able to manage his behavior and keep him safe while searching for an appropriate placement. Meanwhile, W.O.L.F. was working with a rescue colleague in the Pacific Northwest to find an appropriate foster or permanent home for him.
W.O.L.F. made the decision to rescue the little wolf dog and provide him with lifetime sanctuary. W.O.L.F.’s transport team made all the arrangements to travel to Oregon and bring Topaz home. The team made the long journey, and the first stop was to the veterinarian. Topaz was given a full examination and the necessary vaccinations. He received a clean bill of health. Finally, he was off to the Sanctuary.
Topaz was thrilled to be able to get out of his crate and explore his new home. He was interested in the actions of his new caregivers and wanted to be around them. Whenever left alone, he would howl until someone acknowledged him. It was very clear that this little boy needed a canine friend to keep him company. Arrangements were made to introduce a female wolf dog named Sapphire to be his companion.
At first, both animals were preoccupied with exploring their new space. When Topaz realized that Sapphire was in the habitat with him, he tried to get her to play. Initially, she did not want interaction or attention from him. With time, Topaz and Sapphire grew more comfortable around one another. Over the next few weeks, Sapphire became accustomed to Topaz’s puppy energy and began roughhousing with him.
In September of 2023, Topaz and Sapphire were moved to their new forever home in Red Feather Lakes. The duo immediately began exploring their new habitat. They enjoy chasing each other and having fence line conversations with their neighbors, Iver and Zoey. They continue to roughhouse and play together, usually after hours when all their caregivers have left for the day. Topaz is very vocal and seeks attention from his caregivers at the fence line. He is learning new skills like sitting, giving his paw, laying down, and rolling over. He enjoys belly rubs and getting his ears scratched.