Born: March 29, 2020
Rescued From: Arizona
Given Sanctuary: September 27, 2021

Stephanie Marshall

Sapphire was rescued from a breeder by a woman who loved wolf dogs and knew that Sapphire needed her help. She provided Sapphire a home at the animal facility where she worked in Arizona. The woman worked diligently to give Sapphire the best life possible.
Sapphire had a hernia that required immediate corrective surgery. Her owner arranged for the medical care, and she was taken to the veterinary facility for surgery. After her surgery, Sapphire’s owner attempted to help her adjust to life at the animal facility. With increasing concerns for Sapphire’s health and the ability to safely house her, the owner knew she needed a new home with professional wolf dog experience and resources.
When the owner contacted W.O.L.F., they had space to accommodate Sapphire. She would have the wolf dog companionship that she desperately needed.
After the journey from Arizona to Colorado, the first stop was at the veterinarian. Sapphire received a physical and her vaccinations. W.O.L.F.’s veterinarian became concerned about Sapphire’s blood work test results. The young wolf dog had dangerously elevated liver and kidney values.
Sapphire needed to be hospitalized overnight. The veterinarian called in a specialist to conduct an ultrasound examination on Sapphire’s kidneys and liver. Although the values were still dangerously high, the ultrasound showed no lasting damage to her liver or kidneys. Fluids and supportive care helped her make a full recovery.
The next day Sapphire was deemed healthy and transported to the Sanctuary. She was released into a habitat that could be closely observed by staff. Due to her health concerns, staff allowed Sapphire to be on her own to adjust and heal.
After five days, Sapphire had finished her antibiotics and had settled in enough that staff decided to try an introduction with Topaz. At first, both animals were preoccupied with exploring the new space. When Topaz realized that Sapphire was in the habitat with him, he tried to get her to play. Initially, she did not want interaction or attention from him. With time, Sapphire and Topaz grew more comfortable around one another. Over the next few weeks, Sapphire became accustomed to Topaz’s puppy energy and began roughhousing with the pup.
In September of 2023, Sapphire and Topaz were moved to their new forever home in Red Feather Lakes. The duo immediately began exploring their new habitat. They enjoy chasing each other and having fence line conversations with their neighbors, Iver and Zoey. They continue to roughhouse and play together, usually after hours when all their caretakers have left for the day. Sapphire enjoys having her caretakers search for her food bowl. She carries her bowl to the various locations around her habitat to enjoy her meal.