Born: February 14, 2010
Rescued From: Wisconsin
Given Sanctuary: September 1, 2010

Robert Grove

In August 2010, W.O.L.F. learned about Pax through a German Shepherd rescue in Wisconsin.  It is unclear how Pax ended up at the rescue.  Likely, his puppy antics and energy were potential factors.  W.O.L.F. was in the process of looking for a young male pup.  Pax and another wolf dog pup were being considered as possible companions. After evaluating the options, W.O.L.F. staff decided to bring Pax to the Sanctuary. 

In September 2010, Pax was flown from Wisconsin to Colorado.  He was introduced to Sasha. Pax greeted Sasha with typical puppy exuberance, and soon the two animals were roaming around their habitat. The two animals loved visits from humans.

Sadly, their relationship deteriorated, and it was decided that they should no longer be companions.  Pax had multiple companions and was not successful in forming a bond. He preferred human companionship.  For this reason, Pax was placed in the habitat nearest the cabin, so that he had access to his caregivers. 

Pax is a happy wolf dog that is always up for a walk, or better yet, a car ride! He wants to join in on whatever his caregivers are doing, which typically results in his getting even more attention. Pax is a favorite among staff and volunteers because of his sunny and happy nature.

In September of 2023, Pax moved to his forever home in Red Feather Lakes.  Pax has specially designed indoor and outdoor accommodations.  He oversees the activities at the Headquarters Building.  He has companionship from volunteers who bunk with him overnight.  Pax greets everyone who comes into the building.  He enjoys riding in the ATV to assist with providing fresh water to his wolf dog family.  Pax takes his caregivers on frequent walks around the expansive property, exploring the rocks, trees, and grass.  On occasion, he likes to visit with Nala through the fence on one of his walks.