
Born: September 23, 2017
Rescued From: Pennsylvania
Given Sanctuary: February 23, 2019

Lisa Sauer

In December 2018, Kira was surrendered as a stray to a shelter in Philadelphia. She was originally labeled as a Czechoslovakian wolf dog.  It was discovered that the individual who surrendered Kira as a stray was the actual owner, and it was believed she had wolf content.  Private ownership of wolf dogs in Pennsylvania is illegal without a license.  The owner was unlicensed, so the Pennsylvania Game Commission became involved in the matter.

When the information about Kira’s background was revealed, Pawsitively Purrfect Rescue, a Pennsylvania rescue organization, was able to take Kira from the shelter and place her in foster care.  Social media was circulating controversial information about Kira’s wolf content, so her foster Mom went to the Philadelphia shelter to bring her home. As she walked Kira to her car, Kira panicked and started rearing and choking herself with the leash.  Her foster Mom quickly got Kira into her truck where she felt safe.

Once it was determined that Kira may have wolf content, the Pennsylvania Game Commission ordered a DNA test to verify. On December 19, Kira’s foster Mom, who was a vet tech, provided Kira’s blood sample to a wildlife DNA testing laboratory. While waiting for results from the DNA test, Kira was able to continue living in foster care. Her foster mom bonded with the little girl and hoped that the test would show that Kira was a dog, so she could be adopted. Unfortunately, the DNA results from the agency laboratory indicated that Kira was 30% wolf. Her fate was now sealed. If she could not find placement out-of-state or at a licensed facility in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Game Commission would confiscate and euthanize her. Kira was now in serious jeopardy.

Pawsitively Purrfect Rescue reached out to local licensed facilities, but they were all full. W.O.L.F. was contacted to determine if a placement could be found for Kira. W.O.L.F. tried to find placement for Kira on the East Coast or in the Midwest, since she was more than 1,500 miles from Colorado.  No other sanctuary that could take Kira was identified.  Kira’s situation was now becoming dire.

W.O.L.F. had recently lost a long-term Sanctuary resident, JJ, to cancer. She was a small wolf dog who was bonded with Takoda, a two-year-old male. While giving Takoda the time to grieve, W.O.L.F. was searching for an appropriate companion.  Kira seemed like the perfect fit.  W.O.L.F. worked closely with Pawsitively Purrfect and Kira’s foster Mom to arrange the transport of the little wolf dog to Colorado.

On a winter afternoon in February, W.O.L.F.’s transport team met Kira’s foster Mom in Ohio.  After a 24-hour drive, Kira arrived at W.O.L.F.  Kira was tested again to verify her wolf content.  The independent test revealed that she was 11.7 %, much lower than the agency test. 

Initially, Kira was quite shy as she made her way around her new habitat. She wanted nothing to do with her caregivers and avoided them whenever possible. She would pace her habitat constantly and howl mournfully throughout the day. It was decided to introduce her to Takoda right away.

The first interactions between Kira and Takoda were not successful.  Staff moved Kira into a new habitat, and Takoda was brought in on a leash. There was no fence between them.  Initially, the interaction was standoffish.  Soon after, Kira dropped into a play bow and raced around the habitat. This created a change in Takoda’s behavior, and he immediately wanted to join in the game.  The two raced around the habitat, playing nonstop before collapsing next to each other to take a nap.

Since that day, the two have been inseparable, fun-loving companions. They wrestle and play chase around their habitat. Kira’s confidence around her caregivers has blossomed, making her one of the most friendly and social wolf dogs at the Sanctuary. 

In August of 2023, Kira and Takoda were moved to their forever home at Red Feather Lakes.  They immediately made their habitat their own and created a summer and a winter den in the rocks and trees.  Kira is well known for her digging skills and has excavated several cozy napping spots.  She thrives on attention from her caregivers.  Kira and Takoda are the perfect social duo and are irresistible to staff and volunteers.