
Born: March 1, 1996
Rescued From: Michigan
Given Sanctuary: March 7, 1999
Returned to Spirit: July 14, 2011

Purchased in Wyoming as an adorable pup by a family unprepared for a wild animal, Whisper soon began to educate them about the energetic nature of a young wolf. After destroying the house, the backyard, and repeatedly escaping from the outdoor kennel, her family was forced to keep her on a chain. Due to an insufficient diet, Whisper soon became so food aggressive that they had to build a chute into her outdoor run to feed her safely.

Vet care was also a problem, as it is illegal to own a wolf or wolf dog in the state of Wyoming. When Whisper had to be boarded at a vet clinic for several days due to a serious illness, the staff muzzled her tightly and refused to remove the muzzle until she left, leaving a lifelong scar across her nose. Being unspayed, Whisper eventually ended up with a litter of pups, and after her owners advertised them for sale in the local newspaper, the authorities swarmed in threatening to confiscate and destroy Whisper if her owners didn’t place her elsewhere. Whisper came to W.O.L.F. in March of 1999 as a beautiful three-year-old alpha female full of life, energy and attitude. She immediately claimed her territory, letting all who approached her enclosure know that this area was hers. She also started digging a den and consuming enough food for several animals.

We became concerned that Whisper could be pregnant. Our veterinarians were getting ready to spay her, and we did not want to abort puppies if she really was pregnant. To conduct any type of physical exam would require Whisper to be tranquilized which would not be healthy for pups, if there were any. We contacted Dr. Barbara Shore and Lorraine May, two animal communicators, and asked them to “communicate” with Whisper. Much to our amazement, although Dr. Shore and Ms. May had “talked” to Whisper on different days and from different places, they both received the same information – the number three and the word puppies. We decided that we would wait the 63 day gestation period and allow Whisper to have her pups, if indeed there were any.

Everyone at W.O.L.F. watched Whisper with great interest. Was she gaining weight? Did she look any different? Meanwhile, we all continued to socialize with her so that if she did have pups she would allow us to approach them. A week after the end of the gestation period came and went with no pups, arrangements were made to have Whisper spayed.

About a week later, we received a call from Candy Kitchen, a rescue in New Mexico. Along with state authorities, they had confiscated fourteen animals from an intolerable situation. Five of the animals were ten to twelve-week-old pups that were in need of special care and W.O.L.F. was asked to take three of them. This was just too much of a coincidence. Of course we would take them, and we knew exactly where they belonged! Whisper was introduced to her pups about a week later. She totally accepted them, and within minutes began regurgitating food for her new family ensuring their good health. She took over as their mother and taught them everything they needed to know.

Unfortunately, as the female pup grew she began challenging Whisper for dominance, and it became necessary to separate Whisper from the three pups in 2002. Whisper was placed with Matoskah, another young male in need of mothering. Together they taught many people who came to the Sanctuary what it meant to be a wolf. Whisper was famous for letting you know when you were not behaving appropriately with a quick nip and a stern eye.

On July 14th, 2011 volunteers reported that Whisper had not come down to receive her morning meds. When staff went up to investigate, we found her lying in the far corner of her enclosure unable to get up. Clearly something was terribly wrong. We made arrangements for our vet to come up and decided to move Whisper to the bottom of her enclosure so the vet could do an exam. Prepared for Whisper’s infamous attitude at being forced to do anything she didn’t want to do, we were surprised when she let us put her on a stretcher and carry her with no sedative, muzzle or eye covering. By the time the vet arrived, it was very clear that Whisper was ready to leave this world for the next and she was helped to pass peacefully.